Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 T311 Charging Problem Solution And repair.
The first step that should be done is to replace the charger plug or the charger connector, usually, damage to the pin or needle in the charger plug. If after replacing the plugin does not solve the problem. Try the next step.
Now let’s come to the actual problem. If you happen to read the adapter
input output reading for the Galaxy Tab3 311, It says Input voltage
range of 150-300V while the output voltage is 5V. However the
interesting part is the output current parameter where it says to be of
2A (Ampere). And this is the problematic part. On searching in the
market for alternate adapter I could not find any which would have these
output parameters, specifically the current value. And also the usual
laptop USB 2.0 port provides a current of approximately 500mA range.The phone is encountered any physical damage.
Any of the capacitors might be faulty.
Charging IC might be faulty.
Clean dust on charging connector, you can do that simply with the help of a brush.
If the same problem replaces charging connector and check.
Hardware Solution Picture Bellow here
But still, we do not take any responsibility for any damage it may cause to your cell phone. Use these repairing solutions at your own Risk.