IPhone 6s Home Button Not Working Problem Ways Solution

iPhone 6s Home Button Ways, Home Key Jumper Not Working Problem Home Key Ways
This solution is for iPhone 6s Home Button Ways and Jumpers points.

You can use the guide in this article to solve your problem
  1. Home button not working.
  2. Delay in response when button is pressed.
  3. Home button becomes stiff and is not pressed easily.
  4. Home button needs to be pressed very hard in order to get it working
Reasons for Problems
  1. Dust might be present at the corners of home button due to which it becomes stiff or you need to press it very hard in order to get it working.
  2. Might be due to phone lagging problem.
  3. Home button strip might have lose contact with the onboard connector.
  4. Might be due to any kind of physical or water damage.
  5. Home button components might be damaged from inside.
Clean both home button strip and its onboard connector, after you do that re-plug and check. In case display strip still has a loose contact with on-board connector than change the entire charging dock strip, (Home button is at the charging dock strip). If the above step fails then you need to change your entire display, and this is mainly because of the fact that Home Button components are inside the display screen, which cannot be repaired manually, as that’s the machine’s work. You don’t have any other option than to change your display screen in order to get your Home button fixed.

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